
10 01, 2019

Pastel Restaurant inTel Aviv

2019-01-15T15:27:25+00:00January 10th, 2019|Categories: Food/Drink|0 Comments

There's nothing pastel in the taste of the food in the Pastel Restaurant in Tel Aviv. This place is more than just another eatery, it's casual gourmet cuisine in a glorious setting.  The Pastel Restaurant in Tel Aviv is a place to enjoy a superb meal with unpretentious service in beautifully designed and spacious surroundings. Of [...]

19 07, 2018

Perfect Pastel Restaurant-Tel Aviv

2019-01-10T11:27:13+00:00July 19th, 2018|Categories: Food/Drink|0 Comments

Pastel may be the name but it's certainly not the taste! The Pastel Restaurant in Tel Aviv is more than just another eatery. It is a place to enjoy a superb meal with pleasant service in unpretentious and spacious surroundings. Not that we don't have bountiful restaurants in the city, but the Pastel Restaurant in Tel Aviv, [...]

21 02, 2017

Food Market-Rothschild/Allenby

2017-04-05T12:00:29+00:00February 21st, 2017|Categories: Food/Drink|0 Comments

We have a new indoor Food Market on Rothschild/ Allenby. Tel Aviv locals think a great deal about food, talk continuously about food and eat a great deal. It would seem that the addition of another fast food market can only be a good thing. The location of this Tel Aviv Market, or [...]

27 04, 2016

Vegan Restaurant inTel Aviv

2017-04-05T12:00:31+00:00April 27th, 2016|Categories: Food/Drink|0 Comments

Tel Aviv is one of the most Vegan-friendly cities I know. Since I am a self-confessed carnivore,  my experience in Vegan restaurant  cuisine is fairly limited. Today however convinced by my Sweet girl to lunch on healthy munch my arm (or leg) was pulled. We settled for a local eatery called Market [...]

19 04, 2016

Kosher Restaurants inTel Aviv

2017-04-05T12:00:31+00:00April 19th, 2016|Categories: Food/Drink|Tags: , |0 Comments

If you are visiting Tel Aviv for Passover or, planning to come anytime soon, I have compiled a short list of  Kosher restaurants which comply with dietary laws of the land. You will appreciate by the number of foodie posts that I have published, my calorie count is on the up [...]