If you can shop ’til you drop (sounds familiar) you will certainly be interested in one of our more recent Tel Aviv outside/inside shopping and culture experiences, a splendid and truly impressive venue located in the Sarona neighborhood. It offers a unique retail experience by housing shops, restaurants, cafes and ice cream parlors within grandiose structures

Following the approval of a preservation order in 2006 , thirty six of these historical structures were aesthetically restored to their former glory and some even cleverly relocated to accommodate the expansion of a nearby main street.
This imposing center attracts shopaholics(like yours truly) from home and abroad, plus those that wish to get a true sense of history whilst indulging in their favourite but costly pastime. Reputable retail outlets are nestled within these grand structures discreetly displaying their brand logos on the stone facades.

The tree lined streets are wide stone paved walkways, which conveys a majestic image and a feeling of grandeur befitting a historical site. The outside space has a vastness which is only overshadowed by the high rise modern constructions on the outskirts of the Sarona center. These giants tower above the historic buildings and sharpen the awareness to the stark contrast between the past and present architectural styles.
A green small park like area is designated for audiences to take a break and watch the latest musical entertainment (free of charge). The singer and band stand on the wooden platformed stage and bellow to the best of their ability (against the
hum of the crowds) in order to encourage people to dance, sway and enjoy ( which invariably they do…)

Soft shaded grounds with climbing frames and swings are dedicated play areas for the children who have been persuaded by hopeful parents to be dragged along. Wooden benches line the edges of garden areas planted with grasses and colorful flowers whilst a soft breeze will minutely stir the waterlilies sitting prettily in the ponds surrounded by decking.
Sarona really has it all, including a visitor center that will proudly explain the Templar Colony heritage and subsequent history by recounting all the sweet tales of the past, the excellent renovation and the plans for the future (Sarona Market)
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