Today had an early afternoon date with my sweet hubbie. He suggested late
lunch in Tel Aviv, I suggested visiting a
Tel Aviv Gallery. They say compromise is the basis to a happy and long lasting relationship. So that’s what we did compromise – ate
lunch and visited a Gall

ery..(see a later post)
I shall start of course, by giving you a blow by blow account of lunch as eating out seems to have become one of my frequent pastimes and is now beginning to show…
We ended up at an old favorite Tel Aviv Italian of ours Pronto Restaurant, where there is a mix of Italian charm with Bohemian artistry. The restaurant itself has been established for over twenty years but about four years ago moved from Nachmani Street to a new premises. (I recall my young son sitting in a highchair with head plunged in a bowl of pasta ragout after he was too exhausted after sipping up the spaghetti..)
The restaurant style is a reflection of the owner Raffi, a warm classic but avant garde design. Laser pictures created by the late award winning Uri Lipshifz of other renown Israeli artists line the glass panels inside the dining area. Light wood shelving fully stocked with acholic bottles form a backdrop to the darkened wood bar with it’s skirted surround tiled in vintage green ceramics and high backed slatted old fashioned bar chairs are tucked neatly beneath. Tables are elegantly dressed with crisp white tablecloths and square napkins.
A wall unit above t

he serving hatch to the kitchen proudly displays more wine bottles and
liquors (but you have to be sober to crane yo

ur neck to read the labels )
The floor is parquet covered throuhout but there is little foot clatter only the background sounds of softly playing music and the whispered tones of chatter.
We order a lunchtime “special”, that is to say you pay for the main course but get a first course thrown in too (until 4:pm) . As I am attempting to diet.. (I quote my sweet husband ” oh dieting as in dropping the T from diet ?”) I ordered the arugula lettuce salad with Parmesan slithers (no comment) and my other half ordered the deep fried cheesy risotto balls. Insisting that I try one , I can confirm this was a delicious couple of bites, with a creamy texture enhanced by a little dip in the spicy tomato sauce and savory mayo that accompanied the dish.
The first main course c

omprised of Drum fish gnocchi with ripe cherry tomatoes and tiny green capers. The
fish was succulent, homemade gnocchi was delightful and with a very slight lemon hint in the flavor we were back in Bella Italia.
Fillet of beef cooked medium rare and cut into large bite sized slices grazed a bed of vibrant green runner beans and halved roasted new potatoes, was the second dish which I thoroughly enjoyed. We dismissed the notion of pudding, but did opt for two glasses of chablis ( even dieters need liquids…)
All in all a lovely, satisfying lunch. Pronto has maintained a consistently good standard throughout the years (which cannot be said for many eateries) plus rekindled a few long forgotten memories
Posh Italian lunch with wine on the expensive side
4, Herzel Street.
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