Tel Aviv Culture
I was enjoying the heat of another bright day by taking a wobbly stroll through Neve Zdedek, in a pair of totally impractical high but beautiful heals, in search [...]
Dizengoff Square Flea Market
Everywhere I go in the world I love to venture into the Flea markets to see if I can root out a bargain or two. If the piece has historic [...]
Ben-Gurion-House in Tel Aviv
It is with some amazement that each time I look at the large but unassuming sandy coloured tiny windowed house on Ben-Gurion Boulevard, I am still humbled at a thought [...]
Saturday on Rothschild BLVD
It's Saturday with a glorious bright sky, a warming of the bones temperature and that unmistakable feeling of weekend wellness. What to do in Tel Aviv? Why not a pleasant [...]
Museum in Tel Aviv-The Rubin
There are many wonderful museums in Tel Aviv, but a small one that I have a great fondness for is the Rubin Museum situated in the southern part of [...]
Winter Beach-Tel Aviv
I adore the beach. The grainy feel of the sand, the way it slithers through the toes, but clings like gritty glue to all the wet or sweaty other [...]