Kosher restaurant

/Tag: Kosher restaurant
19 04, 2016

    Kosher Restaurants inTel Aviv

    2017-04-05T12:00:31+00:00April 19th, 2016|Categories: Food/Drink|Tags: , |0 Comments

    If you are visiting Tel Aviv for Passover or, planning to come anytime soon, I have compiled a short list of  Kosher restaurants which comply with dietary laws of the land. You will appreciate by the number of foodie posts that I have published, my calorie count is on the up [...]

    29 06, 2015

      Tel Aviv- Kosher Turkish Restaurant

      2017-04-05T12:00:43+00:00June 29th, 2015|Categories: Food/Drink|Tags: , |0 Comments

      I am partial to food whatever the cuisine. I have learned to appreciate the fusion between East & West but occasionally hanker after that authentic Oriental kitchen that I didn't grow up with! Today "over kneading" several possibilities my man sweetly suggested that Turkish tuck would be a good compromise. Diva darling who am I to [...]