We must be sympathizing with you abroad as the weather has been crazy mad in the last couple of days. Winds that whisk off the dead skin cells never mind your hat, with a dusty yellowed sand landing on everything with a surface inside and out. Dustbins with lids flapping, balcon
y furniture collapsing like lego and small mammals lifting in the air like they have grown birds wings. Grit entering every facial orifice (so basically if a talk I am eating dirt) and hair with a new texture which feels like a Barbie wig.
Not to be defeated by this turn in climate, yesterday I decided that all I required was some comfort food ( no not chicken soup), breaking bread with someone close, so I called my beloved niece and we took a short but fairly daunting drive to a lovely reknown bakery aptly Bakery in Tel Aviv called Lehamim Bakery (breads bakery).
Just the visual experience was tantalizing. Amazing displays of breads of varying sizes, shapes and ingredients, nesting on metalic racks stacked high and to the full. Inspired displays of pastries, tarts and mouthwatering cakes, with many fillings such as poppy seed, fresh fruits and almonds all encased in delicious pastry, precisely baked to enhance all the flavors within.
Creamy layered cakes, cheesecakes with crumbles or fruity toppings, lined up waiting to be snatched from the refrigerators. Triangular Osnai Haman (Haman Ears) Purim cookies filled with traditional poppy seed or chocolate plus more modern savory additions, reminding us of the forthcoming festival.
Lovely looking ( and easy to heat in the oven) quiches with heavenly goats cheese, fennel, mushrooms and more plus little savory tartlets for those with bite sized appetites. Quick snack salads and sandwiches to ease a grumbling stomach.
We sat down for a large coffee (surprise, surprise) were given at tasty morsel of the soup of the day, and ordered two sandwiches of salmon and kashcaval cheese each served on different breads. Both were equally appetizing as was another freebie taster , a cube of cheesecake with a
delightful zangy lemon twist. I do love my comfort food and what is life without bread!
♥Lehamim Bakery
99 Hashmonaim St.
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