Heat Wave

//Heat Wave

Heat Wave


With  the tarmacking on the road surfaces going sticky and plastic beacons melting to lumps of orange goo, I put on my loosest dress, a hard weathered pair of flip-flops , a comfortable pair of cotton knickers and the least stiff bra I could find.. Too much detail?IceCream 18-5-15 3
Off I trotted with brave face on and a huge pair of darkened sundresses perch on my nose.. Five minutes outside with the heat like a warmed up oven ready for a roasting chicken, I felt a glow on my forehead. Seven minutes further in  and the under arms started to tingle.Ten minutes and I had a damp patch on the bridge of my nose where the glasses were preventing the pores to breath. Needless to say even with a warm breeze, although my name is not Betty I was certainly Sweaty!
One flip flop in front on the other I moved courageously on determined not to stop at the first kiosk or cafe to purchase a long cool drink or ask for a clear glass of water.  Can you believe  that I did not see a bird in flight or on the ground nor a stray cat and, even the domesticated dog were few and far between. The streets had much less human traffic, most of the sensible population jumping from one conditioned place to another, except … Did not Noel Coward write in a song that ” only mad dogs and Englishman go out in the midday sun”? Well he could not have recognized tourists from other climes! Super Sun worshipers that have the need to squeeze every moment out of their holiday laying on the beach in order to get a enviable tan… Have they heard on the spray on stuff? Really, in nearly 40 degrees even the hardiest sun shade does little to block out the piercing rays..
I diverse, after popping into a few shops do a quick buy of essentials, with my hair clinging to my scalp like it was being dragged back in from the roots, I headed along BIceCream 18-5-15 2en Yehuda towards home. By this time I am drenched but luckily in womanly black so no tell tell marks and I spot the Ice cream parlors. Too weak to resist to exhausted even to try, I entered the ice cold paradise to order a take away box of a few delicious flavors.. after all even I cant eat ice cream before lunch
Eat well, live well, be well hydrated and fluid – drink plenty of water!
2017-04-05T12:00:44+00:00May 20th, 2015|Categories: Art/Culture|0 Comments

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